how culture can shape society
Peter Chadwick

These responses above are based on the digital aspect of Chadwick's work incorporated into the paper cut out work by Catherall. The pieces above are results of primary source photos cut out in the style of Chadwick through the media of Catherall. I did this to explore the bridge between digital and physical work with accurate use of a craft knife and careful editing.

Below is a digital representation of a physical cut out I produced earlier. I did this in order to practice and experiment with work digitally. I am happy with the outcome and the skills I learnt as I can use them moving forward in my project. I used the coloured shapes in the style of Chadwick and incorporated them into a greyscale edit of a primary source photo.

As a result of the skills learnt previously I edited coloured shapes in the style of Chadwick onto my own take on his posters to create a similar style of work. I experimented with different edits with and without the backgrounds to create the best poster I could. The photo links to Hervé well and works with the style of Chadwick in a subtle manner.