how culture can shape society
I wanted to visit London because I am inspired by the architecture of the estates in Top Boy. Because of this, I decided to research potential areas linked to my project. With this research, I found the places, Alexandra Road, Trellick Tower, Broadway Market, Barbican Centre, Robin Hood Gardens Dawson's Heights estate which I believe portray the areas of rich and contrasting culture and societies.
Below is a map of the places I want to visit and a detailed explanation of the areas and why I chose them.

The photos below are a result of the trip I carried out. My main objective while taking the photos was to capture the environment in its most natural and pure form. This can now allow me to depict the photographs as raw results of a trip I carried out in one day discovering the feel of the areas. Furthermore, I tried to use as much light in the photos to show each area's bright side even though they are commonly being portrayed as rough areas. My favourite photo and building were Trellick Tower as I took the photos in the morning sunshine with the background of the blue sky showing the light of the area.

These dynamic sketches of the Alexandra Road Estates depict the monotony of suburban London. While plain at first sight, apartment complexes like the Alexandra Road estates are cultural hubs for the young and the poor. I aimed to use quite a geometric technique to portray the sharp edges of the architecture. However, the drawings do not show the vast colour palette of the environment in all its glory. But, I believe the photos of the estate do illustrate the vibrant culture within and show the society that lives there.