how culture can shape society
Joshua miels
Born in 1982 Joshua Miels is a contemporary portrait artist who looks to capture the vulnerability of people and the emotions that people try to hide from others. Spending countless hours adding layer upon layer of paint Joshua produces artworks that are not only striking but deep and powerful. Painted predominantly with oil paint, each piece begins with a subject, but with a large amount of experimentation, each art piece takes on its own journey from start to finish. The pieces challenge viewers to draw upon their own emotions and personal experiences.
I chose this artist after researching contemporary oil artists which conveyed the style of strokes with a palette knife. I believe Miels' style will allow me to develop my skills in painting and recording my primary source photos. With my paintings, I have tried to emulate the style of Miels with the palette knife
My paintings have shown my progress up to the mock exam where I chose to use a large canvas with oils and palette knives. This in my mind is my best use of time over the two day period.

This piece is my first experiment with oil paints in the form of my models' skin tone and features. With this in mind, I aimed to develop my knowledge of oil paints and tried to develop my piece with layers of paints. This style was the one I have decided to incorporate in my mock in the inspiration of Joshua Miels.
The piece above is an initial experiment with acrylic paints in the style of my model's skin tone. In this piece, I aimed to develop a colour palette for darker skin and work on how the direction of light affected colour. However, I chose not to go through with acrylic as I found it wasn't as moldable and pliable to create a dynamic piece in the style of Miels.