how culture can shape society
black lives matter

This piece below is an etch of the main character in Top Boy, Dushane, who is a role model and a leader and is a great character to show the culture and depth of the society he lives in. I chose to use the media of etching to reference the style of Tom Phillips whom I will look at next.

The piece below is full of information and figures from protests and crime in the UK and the US. I used my previous piece to break up my etching to show the societal damage and broken culture which characters like Dushane lived in. I chose to blackout words to highlight those that meant the most in the current situation.

Since carrying out this research I have realised that not enough is being done in the UK, America or around the world to help fight the cause to end racism. As I developed my work I tried to focus on the solemn message I was conveying and as a white male, I found it my right (as it would others) to create this work and spread awareness and information on the inequality that many communities across the world face, whether it be because of the colour of their skin, sexuality or simple differences. Enough is enough and I would like to dedicate my work to spread the message of equality.
Below I have linked the Black Lives Matter website so you can visit, educate and understand the challenges cultures and societies face in the modern-day.